What are the stocks with the longest dividend histories?


Longest Dividend Histories

Preferred stocks
are a type of investment that pays regular dividends and has the potential to appreciate in value. The dividend payments are usually made quarterly, and the payments are often at a fixed rate. Many preferred stocks have a long dividend history, which can provide investors with a reliable stream of income.

What is the longest dividend history?

The longest dividend history belongs to the S&P 500, which has been paying out dividends for over 100 years. The average dividend-paying company in the S&P 500 has been paying dividends for more than 50 years.

What are the companies with the longest dividend histories?

There are many companies with long histories of dividend payments, but only a few have maintained an unbroken record of yearly increases. The list below, compiled by Dividend History, shows the companies with the longest histories of annual dividend increases.

-3M (MMM) – 61 years
-AT&T (T) – 34 years
-Colgate-Palmolive (CL) – 57 years
-Grainger (W.W.) (GWW) – 54 years
-Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) – 54 years
-Kimberly Clark (KMB) – 42 years
-McCormick & Co. (MKC) – 41 years
-PepsiCo (PEP) – 45 years
-Procter & Gamble (PG) – 63 years
-Walmart (WMT) – 47 years

What are the characteristics of these companies?

The companies on this list have paid uninterrupted dividends for at least 50 years. In some cases, these companies have paid dividends for more than a century. What do these companies have in common?

There are several key characteristics that these companies share:
-A long history of profitability
-A Commitment to shareholder returns
-A diversified business model
-A strong balance sheet

Find more on bonds here: what are the different types of preferred stocks? for example, and also see what is the difference between a preferred stock and a common stock?.

Preferred Stocks

Dividend stocks have been some of the best-performing investments over the long term. They offer investors a way to receive regular cash payments while also benefiting from the potential for capital appreciation. And, of course, there’s the tax benefits that come with dividends.

What is a preferred stock?

Preferred stocks (also known as preferred shares, preference shares or simply preferreds) are a type of equity security that have properties of both debt and common stock. Like common stock, preferred stocks represent ownership in a corporation and entitle the holder to vote at shareholder meetings and receive dividends. But like bonds, preferred stocks have a fixed-dividend payment that is paid before common stock dividends are issued, and they generally have priority over common stock in the event of bankruptcy.

What are the characteristics of a preferred stock?

Preferred stocks are a type of equity security that has features of both stock and bonds. Preferred stocks pay dividends at a fixed rate, similar to bonds, and they have priority over common stockholders in the event of liquidation. However, preferred stocks also share some characteristics with common stocks, including voting rights and the potential to earn capital gains.

Preferred stocks are called “preferred” because they have preference over common stock in the event of liquidation. In a liquidation, all stakeholders are paid in order of preference. Common shareholders are last in line, so they may not receive any payment if there are not enough assets to go around. Preferred shareholders, on the other hand, are paid before common shareholders.

Preferred shares also usually have a fixed dividend, meaning that the dividend does not fluctuate with the company’s profits. The dividend is set when the preferred shares are first issued and remains constant over time. This makes preferred shares similar to bonds, which also have fixed interest payments.

What are the benefits of investing in preferred stocks?

There are many reasons why an investor might choose to invest in preferred stocks, but the most common reasons are for the income potential and the lower level of volatility compared to common stocks.

Preferred stocks generally pay higher dividends than common stocks, which can provide a steady stream of income for investors. In addition, preferred stocks typically have a lower level of price volatility than common stocks, which means they may be less risky investments.


Preferred stocks with the longest dividend histories are not always the best investment. Some companies cut or suspend dividends during difficult economic times. Also, share prices of preferred stocks can be volatile. You should consider all these factors when choosing a preferred stock for your portfolio.

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