Structured investment vehicle definition


What is a Structured Investment Vehicle (SIV)?

A structured investment vehicle (SIV) is a type of off-balance sheet financing vehicle. SIVs are usually specialty finance companies that issue short-term debt instruments, called asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP), and use the proceeds to purchase long-term assets, such as residential or commercial mortgage loans and corporate bonds.

SIVs are similar to collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) in that they are both structured finance vehicles that package together various types of debt instruments and sell them to investors. However, there are some important differences between SIVs and CDOs. First, SIVs tend to be smaller than CDOs; second, the assets held by an SIV are typically less risky than those held by a CDO; and third, SIVs typically do not use leverage (i.e., they do not borrow money to purchase additional assets).

The purpose of an SIV is to generate income for investors by exploiting the difference in interest rates between short-term debt instruments and long-term assets. Because SIVs do not use leverage, they are often thought of as being safer investments than CDOs; however, this does not mean that SIVs are risk-free. For example, if the value of the assets held by an SIV declines, the value of the ABCP issued by the SIV will also decline. Additionally, if the interest rate spread between short-term debt and long-term assets narrows, the profitability of an SIV will decline.

Despite these risks, SIVs became popular investments during the early 2000s because they were seen as a way to generate high returns with low levels of risk. This popularity came to an end in 2007 when several large SIVs collapsed amid the subprime mortgage crisis. In response to the crisis, many banks decided to bring their SIFIs back on balance sheet

History of the Structured Investment Vehicle

The first true structured investment vehicle was created in 1987 by Michael Milken at Drexel Burnham Lambert. The structure was designed to purchase high yield (“junk”) bonds using predominantly junk bond collateral and using minimal amounts of equity. The vehicle, called a “First Year Trust” paid no taxes, had no regulatory requirements and could be leveraged to the hilt. Milken’s innovation was so successful that, by 1989, there were over 100 such trusts with over $40 billion of assets.

In the early 1990s, banks and insurance companies began to create their own structured investment vehicles, which were generally used to purchase mortgage-backed securities. These entities became quite popular during the 1990s as they provided a way for these institutions to remove assets from their balance sheets while still maintaining an economic interest in the underlying mortgages.

During the 2000s, structured investment vehicles became increasingly popular as a way to fund investments in various asset classes including collateralized debt obligations and credit default swaps. In many cases, these vehicles were highly leveraged, which magnified both the returns and the risks. The use of leverage proved to be disastrous during the financial crisis of 2007-2008 as many of these investment vehicles collapsed when the value of their assets declined sharply.

The Subprime Mortgage Crisis and the Collapse of the SIV

The Subprime Mortgage Crisis and the Collapse of the SIV:

In the fall of 2007, the subprime mortgage crisis led to the collapse of the structured investment vehicle (SIV) market. SIVs are special purpose vehicles that issue short-term debt (known as asset-backed commercial paper, or ABCP) and use the proceeds to purchase long-term assets, such as mortgage-backed securities (MBS).

When the SIV market collapsed, many banks were left holding large amounts of ABCP that could not be sold. This caused a liquidity crisis at many banks and forced them to write down the value of their assets. The write-downs caused billions of dollars in losses and led to the failure of several large financial institutions.

Find further sources of information in investment grade funds article, as well as in taxable bond fund.

The Impact of the Collapse of the SIV

When Lehman Brothers collapsed in September 2008, it precipitated the failure of a number of other firms and the near-collapse of the global financial system. One of the casualties was the structured investment vehicle (SIV), a type of off-balance sheet vehicle that had been used by banks and other financial institutions to generate returns from low-risk investments.

The collapse of the SIVs was a direct result of the Lehman bankruptcy and the ensuing credit crisis. The SIVs were dependent on short-term funding to finance their long-term investments, and when the credit markets froze up, they were unable to roll over their debt. This led to forced selling of assets and massive losses for investors.

The failure of the SIVs was a major contributor to the financial crisis, and it raised serious questions about the risks associated with these types of vehicles. In response to the crisis, many banks shut down their SIVs and pulled their assets back onto their balance sheets. This resulted in billions of dollars in losses for shareholders and creditors, and it played a significant role in destabilizing the global financial system.

The Future of the Structured Investment Vehicle

The structured investment vehicle (SIV) was created in the 1980s as a way to fund investments without putting strain on a company’s balance sheet. SIVs are special purpose vehicles that are used to hold assets and issue debt. The assets are usually collateralized by a variety of investments, such as mortgage-backed securities, corporate debt, and asset-backed securities.

The debt issued by the SIV is used to fund the purchase of the assets. The SIV structure allows the issuer to avoid having the debt appear on its balance sheet. This can be important for companies that want to maintain a certain level of debt without breaking any covenants or violating debt ratios.

SIVs were popular during the housing boom of the 2000s because they allowed banks to extend more loans without worrying about their balance sheets. However, when the housing market collapsed, the value of the assets held by SIVs plummeted. This led to defaults on the debt, and many SIVs had to be bailed out by their sponsors.

Despite the challenges faced by SIVs during the financial crisis, there is still a place for them in today’s markets. One way that SIVs can be used is as collateralized loan obligations (CLOs). CLOs are similar to SIVs in that they are special purpose vehicles that issue debt to fund asset purchases. However, CLOs tend to focus on loans instead of other types of assets.

Another use for SIVs is to fund investments in infrastructure projects. Infrastructure projects often have long time horizons and require large amounts of capital up front. This type of funding can be difficult for traditional lenders such as banks because they are typically looking for shorter-term investments with higher yields. However, SIVs can provide this type of funding because they are not subject to the same restrictions as traditional lenders.

The future of SIVs will depend on how they are used moving forward. If they continue to be used for riskier investments such as CLOs and infrastructure projects, then there is potential for more bailouts when these investments go sour. However, if SIVs are used more conservatively, then they could provide a valuable source of funding for companies and investors alike.

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