Types of Taxable bond funds



A taxable bond fund is a mutual fund or exchange-traded fund (ETF) that invests in taxable bonds—those that are subject to federal and, in some cases, state and local taxes. The funds are managed so that they meet certain objectives, such as income generation or capital preservation.

There are different types of taxable bond funds, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The three main types are:

1. Government bond funds: These funds invest in bonds issued by the U.S. government, including Treasuries, agency bonds, and government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) bonds. They tend to be very safe but may not offer much in terms of yield.

2. Corporate bond funds: These funds invest in bonds issued by corporations, including both investment-grade and junk bonds. They often offer higher yields than government bond funds but are also subject to more credit risk.

3. Municipal bond funds: These funds invest in bonds issued by state and local governments. They tend to have lower yields than corporate bond funds but may offer tax advantages for investors in high tax brackets.

Types of Taxable Bond Funds

A taxable bond fund is a fund that invests in bonds and other debt securities that are subject to federal and state income taxes. The fund may also invest in other types of securities, such as stocks and real estate. Taxable bond funds are typically managed by professional money managers and typically have low expense ratios.

General Obligation Bonds

General obligation bonds are revenue bonds that are backed by the full faith and credit of the issuing municipality, meaning that the issuer has pledged its tax revenue as security for bondholders. This type of bond is often used to finance public projects such as infrastructure improvements, schools, and hospitals. General obligation bonds typically have lower interest rates than other types of revenue bonds because they are considered to be a low-risk investment.

Revenue Bonds

Revenue bonds are a type of taxable bond that is secured by the revenue of a specific project, rather than the general taxing power of the issuer. The most common type of revenue bond is used to finance public works projects, such as roads, bridges, and sewer systems. Revenue bonds are also used to finance other types of projects, such as hospitals, nursing homes, and housing developments.

Revenue bonds are typically issued by state and local governments. Because they are backed by the revenue from a specific project, they are generally considered to be low-risk investments. However, there is always the potential for the project to fail to generate enough revenue to make debt service payments, which would result in a loss for investors.

Revenue bonds are traded in the secondary market like other bonds. The price of revenue bonds can be affected by changes in interest rates, as well as by changes in the financial status of the project that is backing the bond.

Mortgage-Backed Securities

Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) are debt securities that are collateralized by a pool of mortgage loans. MBS are created when a number of mortgages are packaged together and then sold to investors as a security. The income from an MBS comes from the payments made by homeowners on their mortgage loans.

MBS can be either pass-through securities or collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs). Pass-through securities are typically backed by conventional fixed-rate mortgages, while CMOs are backed by adjustable-rate mortgages or other types of loans.

Investing in MBS offers a number of benefits, including:
-Potential for high yields: Mortgage rates are generally higher than rates on other types of debt securities, so MBS tend to offer higher yields.
-Diversification: Mortgage loans are not as sensitive to changes in interest rates as other types of debt, so MBS can help diversify a bond portfolio.
-Opportunities for price appreciation: If interest rates fall, the price of an MBS will typically rise, providing the potential for capital gains.

Asset-Backed Securities

Asset-backed securities (ABS) are a type of taxable bond that is backed by collateralized loans or other assets. The income from asset-backed securities is generally taxed as ordinary income, rather than at the lower capital gains rates.

Asset-backed securities can be issued by corporations, government entities, or special purpose vehicles (SPVs). SPVs are typically used to issue asset-backed securities because they are legally separate from the issuer, which protects the issuer from liability in the event of default.

The most common type of asset-backed security is the mortgage-backed security (MBS), which is backed by a pool of mortgages. Other types of asset-backed securities include those backed by auto loans, credit card receivables, student loans, and royalty payments.

Check some connected readings on, for instance taxable bond fund information article.


In conclusion, taxable bond funds come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each with its own set of pros and cons. It’s important to carefully consider your investment goals and objectives before selecting a fund, as different types of funds may be better suited for different purposes. However, in general, taxable bond funds can offer a number of benefits, including the potential for income generation, diversification, and professional management.

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